Psychological Assessments

Cognitive Assessment
For those who may feel they have an impairment of attention, concentration, memory, or learning ability, we provide Cognitive and Neuropsychological Assessments for ADD and LD. We also provide assessments for memory, learning ability, IQ, cognitive inefficiency or dementia.
Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
To help you understand a psychological concern, we offer assessments to provide any formal diagnosis, an evaluation of causal or contributing factors, prognosis, and recommendations as to the best type of treatment. These reports can provide clarity, shed light on old patterns and validate one’s experience. They can also be used by referral sources to document diagnoses.

Disability Determination Assessment
Assessments can help you document your disability status. If you are off work because of stress, burnout, depression, post-traumatic stress, anxiety or addiction, we can prepare a Disability Assessment Report for your insurance company, physician, or lawyer.
Medical-Legal Assessment
Psychological assessments can help to address a legal concern. We can prepare a Medical-Legal Report for you and your lawyer to objectively assess these kinds of issues. These include reports that: evaluate one’s risk of violent behaviour; provide updates on ongoing progress in counselling; assess psychological injuries and impact of trauma; or identify any mental health concerns that may affect one’s ability to provide appropriate parenting.
Psycho-vocational Assessment for Career Planning
If you are thinking about changing jobs or making a career change, or choosing an academic major at university or college, we can help you to identify the type of career or studies that would be most interesting and fulfilling for you. If you complete a Psychovocational Assessment with us, you will learn how to use information about your interests, preferences, abilities, and personal style to plan your career.